Friday, September 14, 2007

Reflections I

What knowledge do you already have about this subject?
What do you want to learn about this subject and how will you use it?


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

What I've learned so far to help me in Algebra 2 is all that I have learned in Algebra 1.

Anonymous said...

There is so much information availble to completely digest in algrebra that it seems overwhelming at times but I do remember that this branch of mathematics involves a long series of algrebraic formulas like slope and point-slope. I hope to learn as much as I can because there are some concepts of algrebra that can be used in the real world. This being said, I also wish to learn how I can effectively used these concepts in the real world because many people complain that much of what one learns in school is not practical. I want to know how it can be even in ways that are indirect.

sarah said...

in Algebra I plan on sharpening my overall knowledge of basic algebra. Over the duration of this course I hope to become equiped with tools such as understanding and applying problem solving skills to everyday life.

Unknown said...

i have learned in algebra 2 new things based off of my knowledge in algebra 1.I want to learn new ways of solving problems and i will use it in the career of my choice.

Unknown said...

The knowledge that i already have about this subjuct is taken from what i have learned in algebra 1. I already know about the different types of equations like point and point slope form, and standard.

Unknown said...

the knowledge that i already know about this subject is knowing how to solve equations using the order of operations.
there are many things that i know and i dont know about this subject. Some things that i might need to work on is solving fractions and working with fractions. Sometimes math can be very challenging for me and i need to slow down and really pay attention.